
Aug 13, 2013

Another bunch of old Dredd pics...

...with a dodgy Batman thrown in...these are from '96/'97 or so.

Just an Edinburgh book Festival reminder, we'll be talking all things 2000AD and Judge Dredd in '2000AD: Back to the future' on Sunday 25th August at Baillie Gifford Main Theatre from 3 to 4pm.


Aug 7, 2013

Drowntown at the Edinburgh International Book Festival

Yep, Robbie Morrison and myself will be talking about Drowntown during the 'Stripped' event at the Edinburgh Book festival. We'll be at the ScottishPower Studio Theatre on Saturday August 24th from 5 to 6pm. For more details and for tickets click here.

In addition we'll be talking about our roots in '2000AD: Back to the future' on Sunday 25th August at Baillie Gifford Main Theatre from 3 to 4pm where we'll be joined by among others Dan Abnett and David Bishop. Again, check out the link for the lowdown.  

...which gives me the excuse to post some *really* old Dredd art from back in the day...

Jun 18, 2013

Forbidden Planet review Drowntown

Thanks Forbidden Planet! Reviews like this one make me feel it's been worth all the extra effort...

Jun 12, 2013

Designing a Hydrobike - part 2

Here's a few shots of this hydrobike in polygons.


May 21, 2013

Painting 'The Reaper King'

This is a time-lapse for a Magic card I painted a couple of years back, something I was meaning to post on my old site but never got around to it. If there's any interest in this sort of thing I'll post some more recent vids.

This was done in one sitting and took about five hours start to finish. Mostly acrylics with a bit of gouache (apologies for the dodgy video quality.)

Finished piece looks like this...

May 10, 2013

Drowntown Launch Party at Gosh! comics

Head down to Gosh! in Soho on June 21st, aside from hosting the launch party for Drowntown it's also the coolest comic shop in the city.

more info here - Drowntown launch party and exhibition

May 8, 2013

Designing a hydrobike - part 1

I decided to design a different version of the hydrobike that's in the comic.

I figure Gina, as a courier, would be riding a street bike, battered up and past its prime but possibly well tuned all the same. I was thinking here I'd try to design a sports bike version, something she'd aspire to.

...first off, scribble out a bunch of bikes. I have sketchbooks full of this stuff, most of which is garbage and serves only to discover what I don't want to pursue. Eventually something half decent emerges.

I decided on this sketch as a starting point. It has a bunch of elements that keep cropping up in previous sketches, but also seems ergonomic enough to be feasible. Most importantly though, it looks aggressive and sporty, which is good...The next step is refining it further in Photoshop.

 ...this is a mix of kitbashing source images and some loose brush work, just to define the volumes and lines and work in some mechanical detail to help as I model it up...

I'll get into some 3d stuff in the next post.

May 1, 2013

Gatecrash cards

Here's a couple of cards I did for the Gatecrash set...

Apr 26, 2013

Magic card sketching

Here are the original rough sketches for Emeria Angel, Reciprocate spell and Ridge Rannet.

Apr 22, 2013

Drowntown splash page

Here's another splash page from Drowntown, plus the original pencils...

Apr 18, 2013

Warcraft card sketches

here's a couple for starters. Finals are in acrylics...


This is a piece I did last year for Ltd. Galley in Seattle for a games based exhibition. Here it is with sketches and at a mid-way point WIP - ie the point at which you're nearly always tempted to give up. For anyone interested it was done in acrylics and gouache on bristol board mounted on masonite.

Mar 27, 2013

'nuther Drowntown sketch

Here's a wideshot of the first set in the story from a fairly small panel; a silted up section of street that's been partially drained, and into which our main character is slowly sinking. The final version in the comic is a slightly tightened sketch with barely more than a few acrylic washes.

Mar 25, 2013